Thursday, December 08, 2005

stop...hobbit time!

Claudius and I really think that MC Hammer should have made a song called 'Hobbit Time'. The music video could have featured him wearing a cloak, and a bunch of midgets wearing Hammer pants. How hot would that be?!

The lasagna turned out v. well--the guesswork involved worked out perfectly. I'm happy to know that I can pass on the tradition of Christmas lasagna to my grandchildren without embarrassing the memory of delicious lasagnas of Christmas past. I had some of the 'drunk freshmen' over for dinner (Tom, Rat, Greg, Rachel, Julie, and Tommy), and it was great to see them. We reminisced about the more ridiculous happenings of their freshman year, discussed the present and the future, and generally had a v. good time. It's hard to believe that they're seniors now--and with their graduation, the last class of Stanford students whom I went to school with will have graduated. Scary!

Today was rough for my left arm. This morning, I had a blood test. A couple of hours later, I went to the doctor at work for the second half of my hepatitis vaccine. The benefit of the second vaccine is that I'm now immune for years, if not a lifetime. The drawback is that I have now successfully isolate which of the three shots that I got last spring caused pain and swelling in my arm--it was the hepatitis vaccine! Let's hope that it's not also the vaccine that caused the fever and vomiting. Then, to top it off, I was chatting with the doctor about how much fun I had in India, and she remembered that she needed to test me for tuberculosis. She said that several people who have returned from Hyderabad have tested positive for TB, and so they're now screening everyone. I should know by Friday if I have it, so I can't wait for that!

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