Friday, February 09, 2007

press your lips to the sculptures and surely you'll stay

I feel sorry for my neighbors--I hear the dude coughing all the time through my bedroom wall, but I've only heard them having sex once in the six months that I've lived here. Granted, at the time I was annoyed and didn't exactly want to repeat the experience, but I'm sad for them that they're not enjoying themselves more often :(

Anyway, I got a lot done at work today, and even got there early to have breakfast with Kim and Lauren before Kim went back to Michigan. The past couple of days have been lovely because so many people were on various waves of the ski trip, which means that there weren't really any meetings. This stands in sharp contrast to what next week is shaping up to look like - of the 45 hours that I'm expected to be in the office during a standard workweek, only eight of my hours next week are currently unscheduled, and many of the hours that are scheduled are double- or triple-booked with meetings. Add to that the fact that my entire weekend as well as my Monday and Tuesday evenings are already booked, and I'm going to be one tired camper by next weekend. However, the weekend is shaping up to be fun; I'm playing Mafia/Circle of Death tomorrow night, potentially having brunch w/Adit and Sri on Saturday, followed by Vidya's dance recital, followed by picking up one of my coworkers from the Hyderabad office who is flying in that evening; and Sunday I'm going up to the city to read TASP applications with Tanya, and Vidya may spend the night with me.

Yes, I said TASP applications - I want to get more involved with the organization, because I feel that I benefitted tremendously from participating in their summer program after my junior year of high school. In fact, had it not been for that program, I definitely wouldn't have applied to Stanford; I had been entertaining intentions of applying to Harvard to see if I could get in, and I'd been looking at places such as Swarthmore and Cornell, but I definitely had not thought of going to the West Coast. So, there's a volunteer application reading day on Sunday, and I signed up--and I may apply for membership to the association in the next year or two, if only to discover if the organization is really as shady and nefarious as my fellow campers and I decided it was all those years ago. Now, though, I should really really go to sleep--I must conserve my energy for the week ahead. Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

Press your lips or tongue to the cold sculptures, or flag poles or other outdoor metal and you will surely stay for at least awhile; and some of your tongue may stay for quite awhile even after you are otherwise free again. Some readers may be from warm climes and may never have had this most fascinating, and quite fastening, experience. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Impressive blog. So much so in fact that, while clicking the "Older Posts" link, my capitalist conditioning prompted an autonomous price evaluation in the event that I was presented with a payment page. Even my paypal password made a brief flash into my conscious mind before this pattern of neural activity was corrected by the sight of older posts exactly as advertised.

I stumbled upon your blog at work while trying to land a bottle of Noodler's Upper Ganges Blue ink, for um... productive work purposes.