Thursday, April 19, 2007

It was grand, like, part deux

Sorry, didn't mean to send the last one. Anyway, I love Irish phrases,
and listening to the Irish talk is an absolute joy. My favorites are:

It was grand, like
Having a laugh
You're taking a piss!
Have a think on it
Great craic

There are more, but I can't think of them now. I had plenty of time to
listen to them talk today...we did all sorts of high-level, important
discussing today, and then left at four pm to take a tour of the
Guinness storehouse. Funny that I didn't make it there the last time I
was here...they speculated that I was the first American to come to
Ireland and not go on that tour. Fair guess, since it gets the most
visitors in Dublin (900000 per year). It was pretty cool, particularly
the bar at the top overlooking the city.

After the tour we had tapas for dinner, which were delicious, and I
followed up my free guinness with several mojitos, so I am quite happy
now. I should go to bed, though...I am getting calloussed thumbs from
writing on my blackberry (or swampberry), I have to go to work
tomorrow, I have plans to go out for a drink with my friend Matt
tomorrow (and one drink with him inevitably turns into ten), and I
have to leave the hotel at eight am on Saturday to fly home. Crazy!
So, farewell, and I shall write again soon.

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