Thursday, August 23, 2007

it took eight years just to one looks when we say goodbye

I'm watching HGTV - started off with 'Decorating on a Dime', then watched some show about home appraisals, and now I'm watching something about selling houses. 'Decorating on a Dime' isn't really on a dime - it's with a budget of $1000, and three people who have major skills with carpentry and artwork. But, despite the fact that the show didn't give me any great ideas, I got to watch it while relaxing and eating leftover boeuf bourguignon - man, that stuff is delicious. I made fresh mashed potatoes to go with it, and also succeeded in cleaning up my kitchen from last night's fun, so I feel v. productive.

Work was also okay today - every meeting I had contributed to a raging headache, but I relaxed by playing Wii and Guitar Hero for half an hour or so this afternoon before having a conference call from 6:30-7:30pm. I'm going to go to bed before I get sucked into staying up late enough to watch Craig Ferguson - I was exhausted all day today, which probably did nothing to help my mood. Considering that tomorrow and Friday are both really busy as well, I should probably get some rest. However, I only have seven more business days before I go home! And one of those is an all-day offsite next week, so it's not all bad. Goodnight!

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