Friday, October 12, 2007

into the ocean, end it all

I had a good day today, despite the fact that I was at work. I had to present to our all hands meeting, which involved standing up in front of several hundred people and making a presentation, but it went rather well. I was saddened, however, when I ate a lot of avocado on my turkey sandwich today and my lips and mouth started itching/burning; I've been in denial about the possibility that I have a reaction to avocadoes, but I suppose I need to go forward with my months-old goal of getting tested for all of my possible allergies. It just makes me sad, though, which is why I've been avoiding it. After the presentation, I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on email, hanging out with my team, and generally celebrating the end of the presentation until my conference call at 7:30. Then I came home, boycotted work, and spent a couple of hours watching Tivo - I watched the first two episodes of 'Pushing Daisies' (good so far, about a guy who can bring people back to life, but with major strings attached), as well as an episode of '30 Rock'.

Yesterday was good too; I had many meetings, and then I came home and ate Indian food with Terry while watching last week's episode of 'Moonlight' (the new vampire show on CBS). It's really quite terrible, and not even in a fun, schticky 'this is so bad it's good' way - this is just really bad. I'm going to give it another couple of episodes to find itself, but I'm horribly disappointed.

Today was not really a day that I wanted to be at work; while the preso went well and things are actually quite good at the office, I'm tired of how much work is consuming my life. I need to do something about it, even though I also feel the competing need to work this weekend on some stuff. However, the weekend should be good; Adit's staying with me, I'm going up to Vidya's to watch tv tomorrow night, and I may or may not see Emily and some of the other people who are around for Stanford's alumni homecoming this weekend. On that note, I think I shall go to bed and conserve my energy for the weekend. Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

this story (and headline) made me laugh:
- tz

Unknown said...
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