Tuesday, November 20, 2007

the kingdom where we secretly reign

Okay, I shouldn't blog, I should just go to bed - it's midnight, I have an 8:30am meeting, and I just spent the last four hours working through an email backlog that has piled up long enough that I didn't feel too bad archiving weeks' worth of stuff since I made the assumption that if anything sent before Halloween was really that important, they would have resent it. Clever, eh?

But, I felt the need to wish my father a happy birthday online - I called him earlier today, but I felt that he deserved an e-shoutout. Happy birthday Daddy! Granted, it's no longer his birthday in any time zone in which we live, but I only missed the e-shoutout by a couple of minutes. Given tat the e-shoutout is free, and he apparently expects that I'm going to cost him thousands of dollars over the next few months, hopefully he'll forgive me.

Okay, that's all - it's going to be a rough week, particularly if I want to get through enough stuff so that I can plausibly and logically not do any work over Thanksgiving weekend, which is the goal. Wish me luck!

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