Tuesday, April 08, 2008

dare to dream

I was actually productive today -- that probably doesn't matter to those of you who have to get up and go to a full-time job five days a week, but for me, it was quite an accomplishment. Granted, I didn't get up until 11am...but I left the house around 12:30 and drove up to Des Moines, where I worked at Borders until 8:30pm. And in the six hours that I worked, I wrote 5400 words! That's about 22 pages, for those of you keeping score at home. That puts me past the 55,000 word mark. Theoretically, if I could write 5000 words a day, I could be finished with the rough draft in nine days, but those would have to be pretty intense days. However, I'm going to set a stretch goal (to revert to corporate-speak) of April 23 -- that's sixteen days away. Whether I can hit it remains to be seen, but I'd like to send it to some friends for feedback by the first of May, and I need to spend some time editing it before that happens.

I got back from Des Moines just in time to watch the last two minutes of regulation and the entire overtime of the Kansas/Memphis game. While I am morally obligated as an Iowan to despise Kansas during the regular season, I felt safe cheering for them tonight, since Iowa State is laughably far from being able to compete with them anyway. Now I'm watching Craig while waiting for my fingernails to dry -- yes, I've painted them again, because I have time for things like this. He spent an extended amount of time talking about the Olympics, which made my night. Now I should go to bed, so that I can get up tomorrow and do some writing. Goodnight!

1 comment:

f...... said...

Wow, Sara! What awesome progress!!!