Friday, November 07, 2008

meet me in the clouds

In an effort to get ready for the weekend, I decided to spend the evening on housework. I didn't do as much as I'd initially wanted to, but I did do the dishes, make dinner, and wash and fold three loads of laundry, which was respectable. It was particularly respectable since I was in the office by 7:30 this morning, and by the time I got home I just felt like crashing instead.

I intended to write in my journal tonight, but I instead spent an hour rereading old entries from the past couple of years. My journaling has fallen off significantly since the start of my leave of absence; I wrote fairly regularly from September of 2006 to December of 2007, even though I was also blogging constantly, but I only have half a dozen entries from this year despite the fact that this year has been quite momentous in terms of life changes.

Part of it is obviously that I've refocused my writing priorities on the book, which is a good thing. But, I wonder if I'm doing myself a long-term disservice; the blog is a great place for recapping my day-to-day life, but there is a hell of a lot of inner monologue that I filter well before it ever comes out here. The journal is better for revisiting emotions/events that I experienced in the past and understanding whether and how I've made progress. Without that sort of brooding, I may not be 'refilling my well of creativity' (I'm not quoting a specific person, but I feel like I've heard/read that phrase somewhere before) -- and my well of creativity is vital for my long-term success as a writer.

But, I was happy to find that I've made significant progress on or completed most of the goals that I set for myself on January 1, 2008, despite the fact that I never revisited the list, so that's great. And many of the issues that concerned me a year or two ago have in some ways died down after my detoxing sabbatical, even if I will likely always struggle with work/life balance (and even if there are days that I wish I was off someplace writing full-time).

So I may write a little in my journal tonight, but it's close to my bedtime; I had a headache all day, and I need to make serious progress on the book this weekend. Goodnight!

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