Monday, December 15, 2008

you try to tell yourself the things you try to tell yourself to make yourself forget

Despite all the lessons that I learned about balance and finding my inner peace and all that crap this year, today was a complete failure in my workaholic recovery process. I had meetings straight from 8am to 4:30pm, answered email for an hour, had dinner with Terry from 5:30 to 6:45, and then had a meeting with someone in India from 7pm to 7:30pm. Since I have another meeting with India at 7:30am tomorrow, I really want to go to bed.

I really wish that I could completely stop caring about my job -- it would make my quest for balance easier. But while I've 'recovered' in the sense that I no longer work weekends and I rarely work nights, I still care waaaaaay too much, so that I spend much of my commute stewing about stuff. This might be good in some ways, since it gives me a chance to 'detoxify my left-hand column', to use the language of the management coaching firm we paid an obscene amount of money to teach us common-sense stuff wrapped up in more interesting words. Detoxifying my left-hand column involves transitioning stuff that belongs in the left-hand column of my darkest feelings and emotions into positive, action-oriented language that I can share externally in my right-hand column. So where my left-hand inner monologue may be "I hate you and this entire project," my right-hand outer dialogue might start with "This is an interesting approach, but have you considered x?" Too bad my left-hand column is way more entertaining than my right-hand column -- but my left-hand column also begrudgingly accepts the need for a paycheck and so defers to the right-hand column. But if I ever stop getting paid, watch out!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Christmas and to a two-week period of detoxifying my left-hand column while eating a lot, hanging out with my family, and hopefully catching up on reading and starting to brainstorm Book Two. It will be an interesting experiment to see if my left-hand column becomes more or less toxic under the influence of an Iowa winter, since it was apparently ~7 degrees today. Ugh.

Okay, I could rant some more, but as I found out yesterday, apparently Katrina and Vidya both read every detail of my mundane "this is what I ate/bought/did today" posts, but skim my brooding "this is how I feel about life" posts. So in the interest of keeping up my readership, it's time for bed!


Anonymous said...

It's a balmy 3 degrees this morning in southern Iowa with a forecast for 3-5" of snow today. Even more exciting is the prediction of freezing rain and sleet for Thursday afternoon and evening. Might be a new family adventure trying to retrieve you from the airport! Pack warm--it's winter in Iowa!

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

way to make me feel bad, swamphead!

Anonymous said...

jou didn't even tell me what you ate!!!!

Anonymous said...

go with the left hand column, its way more fun! funny how my right and left hand columns both say the exact same thing on that topic....

Sara said...

@Mom: I will pack warm and hope that I get there in time to celebrate your birthday instead of ruining it :) Watch the flight times - looks like my flight has been late the past couple of days!

@Vidius Chandicus: Don't feel bad! And yesterday I ate cookies for breakfast (making me ill), a sandwich for lunch, and enchiladas + too many chips + half a margarita for dinner.

@z: maybe if I were back in school, I'd have the freedom to share my left-hand column, but until I want to be out of a job, detox is key!