Monday, February 09, 2009

[pick your own song lyric tonight]

I spent today slogging, with a break from 8:30pm until now to read a couple of the short stories for this week's short story assignment. Again, I have no idea what to write; I've read two of the three stories (all by Alice Munro), and I have to say that I'm not particularly interested in either her style or her storylines. Maybe that's harsh -- but as bleak as THE ROAD was, I think that I was naturally more in tune with Cormac McCarthy's style than Alice Munro's. I could surprise myself, of course -- after I read THE ROAD last week, I thought I had no idea what I could possibly write in response, and then the next day the story came to me quite easily.

But the slogging before the story-reading was quite productive. I had meetings almost straight through today, and since I was out on Friday, I felt the need to catch up on emails. I made it through everything on my list, which was excellent, and hopefully I can stay caught up through the rest of the week so that I can write both my short story and some of my novel without going insane. The one fly in the proverbial ointment is tomorrow -- I have a 7:30am meeting, and then I have meetings almost straight until 6pm. The kicker is that the person who scheduled me for the 7:30am meeting is the same person who scheduled me for the 5-6pm meeting -- who deliberately books meetings to start and end 10.5 hours apart? Bleh.

This is totally boring, so it's probably fitting that I couldn't come up with a title. So, it's bedtime, and you can hope that tomorrow I'll be more interesting (but since I'll have been at work for almost eleven hours, don't hold your breath).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it would benefit you to give your scheduler something (i.e. chocolate) so you don't have a another day of meetings from 7:30 - 6.