Tuesday, March 24, 2009

broseph goebbels

This is a four-minute post. I had a lovely day; I woke up early, and was just about to walk out the door when Adit called and asked if we could carpool. This was v. entertaining, since we had a lovely conversation, got to enjoy some speedy carpool-lane action, and had an argument over Nickelback vs. "good" music, which Adit of course won when he just disconnected my iPod and connected his own.

The rest of the day at work was good. I cleared my calendar to get as much stuff done as possible, then ended up losing that time by catching up with people who were surprised to see me in my office and so stopped by to chat. I still left early so that I could come back to the evil city in time to hang out with Walter and Julia. We spent some quality time entertaining each other, and then had visitors: Julie, Tom, and Shari came over to see Walter, and a fun time was had by all. After they left, we were at a loss for what to do next, and so engaged in our favorite pastime -- we went to see a bad movie. Julia is a saint for putting up with us. We saw "I Love You, Man", which I was slightly disappointed in. I think I don't like movies where the main guy is too too awkward throughout, and Paul Rudd was about as awkward as any guy ever is. But, there were some good laughs in the movie, and it was nice to have someone around who would agree to see something terrible with me rather than just ignoring my increasingly-desperate pleas to see a movie.

On that sad note, my four minutes are up -- goodnight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please amend this post to mention the pile of human feces we both saw sitting right in front of my apartment's door step.