Tuesday, April 28, 2009

day's dawning, skin's crawling

This is a four-minute post. Today was not particularly good, so per my usual trends, that means that tomorrow will be either fantastic or really bad. I'm hoping for fantastic, but I'm not holding my breath (although perhaps I should, in an effort to avoid getting swine flu).

I meant to get up at six and write, but I ended up hitting snooze until seven. I got allergy shots today, and one of them burned like the woman had injected acid into my arm, so apparently they're going to have to start filling my shots with saline solution to diffuse the allergens, thus making the volume of the injections much bigger. I had a bunch of meetings, then went to the gym (the only bright spot of the day, which is saying a lot given that I don't like the gym -- actually, lunch with Pete and Heather was the bright spot, but allow me to continue being melodramatic). After work, I bought groceries, drove back to the evil city, picked up my mail -- and found a notice from Alamo saying that I owe $xxx (where xxx is much closer to xxxx than xx) for damaging the car I rented in Hawaii. Worse, they claimed that they had already notified me of this (false) and that if I don't respond in the next fourteen days, they will pursue 'legal avenues' to secure payment. If I find out that my credit was damaged due to this, I will be seriously perturbed; I've never missed a payment on anything, have never had a speeding ticket (knock on wood), and got my last parking ticket six years ago, so this just seems ridiculous. Hopefully it will all get cleared up, but we shall see.

This is now more than four minutes, but c'est la vie. I was too annoyed about the car to write tonight, so I need to go to bed immediately in the hope that I will wake up tomorrow morning to write. Wish me luck!

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