Wednesday, January 05, 2011

back to life, back to reality

I'm having trouble with Blogger tonight, so I'm trying emailing a post to it to see if it will all work out. Today was mildly exhausting, as I got up at 7:30, finished getting ready, went to Des Moines with my parents, and said goodbye to them in the airport (sniff, sniff). But, my flights were on time and I got upgraded to first on both of them, so I did not suffer the indignity of children kicking the back of my seat for four hours (yay). Instead, I rode in style, drinking coffee out of a real mug while reading a bit, writing a bit, and generally relaxing.

When I got home, though, I didn't let myself stop; instead, I thoroughly cleaned my bathroom, cleaned out my fridge and pantry and took out the trash, made an interim grocery list (just the basics until I have time to figure out next week's plan of cooking attack), grabbed dinner and went to the grocery store, and then came home and watched the last three episodes of "Top Chef: All Stars." I plan to be similarly busy tomorrow -- I'm meeting Alyssa at 9:30, and then I need to do several loads of laundry, clean the kitchen, and do a variety of other tings.

While I wasn't exactly ready to leave Iowa, I'm also excited to get back into a routine and tackle my writing in a serious way now that I've had a couple of months of pseudo-break. So, expect more talk of writing and less talk of procrastinating on this blog (or, if I do procrastinate, expect some writing anyway). Goodnight!

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