Sunday, September 22, 2013


I was horrendously productive today, which was a good thing for my puritanical instincts but perhaps a bad thing for my eyes. I spent the morning and early afternoon working on Alex and Prudence, but I eventually had to take a break and get out of the house before I went crazy. So I took a long walk to the bank, then came home and talked to my parents (as per usual). After talking to them, I made a marinade for some meat, then started taking care of all the millions of annoying things that have piled up on my to-do list. I have been a lazy, lazy wench when it comes to everything but writing and the day job for the past, oh, six months, and it shows in the fact that my email inboxes are out of control, my financial tracking is a mess, and everything is generally in a state of constant havoc.

So I spent the evening sending emails for things that happened an embarrassingly long time ago (including billing people for something I paid for in May - ha), although I took a nice break to cook and eat some steak fajitas. I would like to keep going with the productivity kick, since I was in some sort of flow, but I think sleep is more important; I have to train with Alyssa in the morning, and then try to get into this same flow with the day job, where I am perhaps less behind but am perhaps more expected to do stuff. Goodnight!

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