Saturday, February 22, 2014

living in a lost generation

I had a v. fun and v. educational day, but I'm completely wiped out...if only I could take next week off so that I could focus solely on writing. But even though I only got six hours of sleep last night, woke up with a vague wine hangover at 6:45am, and had to be out the door at 7:45 to go to Sunnyvale, it was all worth it. My writing workshop was really good, and it was great to hang out with my friend Grace. We were at the workshop from nine to five-thirty, and then we stopped in Palo Alto for dinner at Palo Alto Sol before heading back to the city.

And now, after that v. boring update, I desperately need to go to bed so I can get eight and a half hours of sleep before getting up tomorrow and meeting Kathia for an early (and often) writing date. I'm going to have to start doing two-a-days if I'm going to catch up on Thorington enough to stop stressing about him, so get ready for me to turn insane starting immediately. Goodnight!

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