Tuesday, November 04, 2014

all i wanna do (bang bang bang bang)

Today was a lovely but brutal slog - I woke up, proofread for an hour (so close to done!), worked, voted, and then drove to the south bay to train with Alyssa. Then I had meetings and work all afternoon - work continues to be mildly to moderately annoying, but I think I'll survive.

But I left (slightly later than I should have) to have a friendship renewal dinner. It was the first time I'd seen Tolu since he had his baby, and it was the first time Jen was able to attend since moving back from NYC, so that was awesome. Joann and Jane were in attendance as well, and we had an awesome time catching up (and Joann gave a stirring rendition of the Gaston song from "Beauty and the Beast", which you probably had to be there for). It's hard to believe I've known them for eleven years, but it's true, and I'm glad the friendship renewal dinner continues.

But now I'm wiped out and need to sleep so I can get up early and work before work (sob) - goodnight!

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