Tuesday, December 02, 2014

a sky full of stars

It's not quite nine, but I'm going to bed and am going to force myself to get up early tomorrow. The commute today was brutal, even leaving at 9:50 and going down 280 to train with Alyssa - I heard horror stories of 2.5hr commutes from some of the people on my team, and I would rather die than go through that tomorrow (note: that's a slight exaggeration). So going to bed early is crucial.

But today was pretty good despite the commute. I took some meetings from home, ate breakfast, and trained with Alyssa, who was in fine form (and I finally seem to have figured out how to do proper kettle bell snatches, so that's exciting). Then I went to work and slogged for a couple of hours, but I knew traffic back was going to be awful too, so I left early. That put me back in the city in time to buy groceries and cook supper for the first time in forever...I made a v v tasty tilapia with a topping of tomatoes, onion, olives, capers, and spinach, which made me super happy.

Then I took care of business, read a bit, and started to fall asleep over the book, which bodes well for my octogenarian bedtime schemes. Goodnight!

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