Tuesday, February 17, 2015

so i put a bullet where i shoulda put a helmet

I have less than 3.5 days before I get on a plane to India, and I have never been less excited for an international trip. I'll probably be excited enough once I get there...but at the moment, all I can think is how I'm already so tired from commuting/working today, and I'll be even more tired when I have to spend twenty-six hours traveling so I can be deposited into the exact opposite timezone, where I will be jetlagged until it's time for me to reverse the experience and be jetlagged all over again. Bleh.

Whatever. Today was fine, albeit not productive enough; I should have gone to bed an hour ago, but when I typed that sentence I suddenly switched over to my financial records and spent the last hour working on them instead. But I got to campus this morning in time to write for an hour, and then I spent the rest of the day in varying states of disarray. I had a v. tasty chicken lunch, some more meetings, some more coffee, and some not-at-all-subtle sneaking out at 4:30 so that I could come home. Once here, I ate some salmon at my favorite Greek place while contemplating wine (and procrastinating on my taxes).

And that, my friends, is all. Goodnight!

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