Sunday, July 24, 2016

almost human but i'll never be the same

My eyes are about to fall out of my head and I need to stop looking at a screen immediately - in fact, I'm typing this with my eyes closed and my head leaned back against my couch, because I have totally hit the wall. But today was incredibly hermity and incredibly productive - perhaps a not-cool way for a thirtysomething to spend her Saturday, but it was what I needed given all my recent travels and all my upcoming social endeavors.

So, this will be boring for you - but the productivity mostly consisted of marketing endeavors and catching up on personal/admin stuff, as well as folding clothes and other random tasks. I'm in the middle of a death slog to watch a bunch of marketing videos from the Hawaii conference before they expire (everyone seems to have procrastinated on this, so Anne and Barbara and I have split them up and are going to get together on Monday to debrief). So I spent the morning and evening watching a bunch of hours of videos about facebook ads, which was worth doing, I suppose.

At some point I took a break to eat a salad, and at some later point I actually left the apartment in search of more felt-tipped pens (how many pens does an author need? how many grains of sand are on a beach?) and coffee, so at least I walked outside for a bit. But then I came back, watched more videos, ate some leftover pasta, and opened a bottle of wine to get me through the rest of the facebook videos.

After I finished the videos, I probably should have given my eyes a break. Instead, I messed around with my face (charcoal masque followed by hydrating masque in an effort to fix the inflammation caused by my gluten encounter) and then spent two hours messing around with my website.

Yes, I'm so fun.

And now I need to stop looking at a screen and go to bed - I have a whole ton of stuff I want to get done tomorrow as well, and I need to squeeze some writing in amongst all this other work if I have any hope of meeting my next deadline. Goodnight!

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