Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Thursday watch the walls instead

I have nothing to report - after having Monday off it was back to the grind yesterday and today, and I was doing my very best to focus. However, I did see my parents yesterday and today while embarking on a multi step process to fix a technical issue at the round barn (I am responsible for wireless technology support not just in their house, but other houses they have interest in). And I had a couple of chill evenings, which was v welcome. 

But I'm trying to go to bed earlier to fix some sleep habits that got shifted after my latest travels - so it's time to sign off. Goodnight!

Monday, October 14, 2024

in the fields

I had today off due to the federal holiday, and while I didn't make the most of it, I had a good enough day. I wasn't feeling particularly well when I woke up, so I was as lazy as possible for most of the morning. But I eventually rallied, took a shower, ate some lunch, etc., and then went to Centerville to stock up on some groceries. My mission was a success, and I got home just in time to inspect a couple of tings with [censored] before [censored] left to drive back to [censored].

After [censored] left, I forced myself to finish tidying up my room - I still need to vacuum, but it's mostly back in shape. After spending the whole weekend cleaning out my closets (using the Marie Kondo method of asking myself if each piece sparks joy - and then trying on many things to remember details like how there are some tops I never wear because they rub my neck the wrong way), I had to pack up four garbage bags of clothes to donate + one bag of the most expensive stuff that I'm going to send to Thredup and hopefully get some sort of store credit (although it will be pennies on the dollar of what the stuff is worth).

When I was done putting my room in order, I made a lateish dinner (tofu stirfry, delish), and then relaxed / journaled / did some skincare stuff until now. And now I must sleep - goodnight!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

I love you and it's ruining my life

I had a pretty productive and fun day all in all, so I'll take it. I spent most of the day embarking on a massive cleanup project, which will be satisfying when I'm done but currently just seems like even more of a mess. I also drove my parents' gater from the shop to home, which was a nice interlude in the sun. And I helped Dad procure fried chicken gizzards, with are not my thing but at least he can get them.

This evening, [censored] and I had an unusual excursion to Des Moines to see an 8pm comedy show starring Taylor Tomlinson. It was v v funny, and I'm looking forward to seeing the special when it finally airs to see how the site evolves as she gets through more cities and practice sessions. But we loved it and it was worth going to, even if it made for a late night.

And speaking of, it's time for bed - goodnight!

Friday, October 11, 2024

dirty bit

Yesterday I had lots to report but v little energy, and today I'm feeling the same, but I'll try to persevere. Yesterday was the open house for my dad's auction, so I skipped out on work during lunch and went to his shop to avail myself of the free lunch that the auction company had catered. I'm not going to buy a backhoe, but I did get a free ribeye and some chest potatoes and baked beans catered by the restaurant in Seymour. The auction is all quite bittersweet, and we'll see how it does when it closes next week. 

I spent the rest of yesterday slogging. Then I had a library board meeting and some takeout from the Mexican restaurant. And then I went to bed with the intention of getting up early and slogging...

... But instead I got up a little late and slogged. Then I went to get allergy shots, came home, worked and ate lunch, and took a long walk around town while talking to my friend Tanya. I worked the rest of the afternoon and tried to make the most of one of my last balcony days of the year, but the tiny biting insects have been bad the last couple of weeks, and they drove me inside.

Eventually I stopped working and went out to Mom and Dad's, where I fired up the grill and grilled four of the ribeyes that were leftover from yesterday. I also sliced some fresh tomatoes and mozzarella and made a caprese salad, and my mom baked potatoes and brought out the leftover baked beans. All in all it was quite tasty, and we had a nice chat. 

And now it's time for bed so I can do a million things tomorrow - goodnight!

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

naked and alive

No substantive updates today - I slogged, and I also snuck in a v. quick trip to Des Moines to get new tires, since my tires only had the memory of a tread pattern. Then I slogged some more, ate some soup, and went to my PEO meeting, which was as entertaining as always. And I chatted with [censored] when he got home while taking care of various tings. And now, I desperately need to sleep - goodnight!

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

and the lights, they glow like i just lost the world war

I'm still pretty tired from my trip - I keep being half-convinced that I'm getting sick, especially since many other people have succumbed, but I think all the tequila I drank kept my body disinfected. But yesterday I slogged and then made myself a big batch of chicken and wild rice soup just in case I need the soup for future recovery.

Today was more of the same - I had to do some pretty intensely concentrated work this morning to prep for some meetings, and then I had meetings pretty much straight from 11 to 4ish and again from 5:30 to 6. I did take a quick walk before my last meeting, so at least I saw some sunlight. Then I went out to my parents' house to give them some soup, since I felt like sharing my bounty and hadn't seen them since before my trip. My mom gave me some tomatoes in return, and I came home and used them to make a BLT. It would have been perfect if I had real bread and also any lettuce (it was more of a BT), but the tomatoes and bacon were excellent.

Then I did a bit more work of both the day job and personal variety, and now I need to sleep - goodnight!

Sunday, October 06, 2024

is that a bad thing to say in a song

I felt much better than I deserved this morning, despite yesterday's shenanigans and getting under four hours of sleep. I got up and out of the hotel a little earlier than planned, and so I had time for breakfast and a venti Starbucks cold brew to power me up for the flight. The flight was totally smooth and there was an empty seat next to me, and I got out of Des Moines with no issues. 

By the time I got home around 5pm, though, I was wrecked, so I took a nap and generally had a v slothful evening. I need to be in it to win it tomorrow, so it's time for bed - goodnight!

purple rain

I'm v v tired but I had an excellent day in Arizona. I had a nice breakfast, followed by an extensive steam/sauna/cold plunge at the spa, followed by an incredible facial that left me glowing. Then I had a sandwich while chatting with some people, and then I had many margaritas of both the frozen and on the rocks variety while hanging out in the pool and watching Adit almost get murdered in a game of chicken, which was more hilarious than murder might sometimes sound.

Then I had exactly twenty minutes to get ready before the group photo, which was followed by a riotous dinner with an excellent table of people. After was the annual Taboo tournament; I was assigned to captain a team, and we won the whole thing (after a serious judging controversy involving tomatoes and potatoes, me blocking a team from replacing a child with an adult, and Adit refusing to play on his assigned team and choosing to play on my team because he knows a winning team when he sees one).

Since I was high on life and also had had several Tims (a whiskey and blood orange cocktail created by the bartender, whose name was Tim), I ended up at the pool/hot tub for a late night hangout. I came back to my room at the respectable hour of 1:15, and I showered and packed, which should make tomorrow slightly less traumatic even though I have to leave the hotel by eight. And now I need to sleep - goodnight!