Tuesday, July 27, 2004

milkshake song

I have had 'The Milkshake Song' stuck in my head off and on ever since I saw 'Dodgeball' a few weeks ago. If you didn't see 'Dodgeball', you must see it--and if you do see it, do everything you can to leave before the credits are over. Trust me. I'm looking out for your best interests here.

In other news, Walter and I have embarked upon our 'Worst Movie Ever' competition. I say that 'The Order' is the worst movie ever, while Walter believes that 'Reign of Fire' is the worst movie ever. We watched 'The Order' last night with Ritu, Renee, and Steph, and it was definitely bad. I still think I've got a winner, but Walter refuses to back down, so I guess I have to watch 'Reign of Fire' sometime soon. Damn.

I've put off all decisions about grad school and instead spend most of my time baking and watching TV. Productive, eh?


Anonymous said...

While I haven't seen The Order, I can vouch for the fact that Reign of Fire is not the worst movie ever... but then again, I liked Equilibrium. ~F

Anonymous said...

i haven't seen the order either, so i can't comment on that, but 'reign of fire' has one slightly redeeming scene which means it can't possibly be the *worst* movie ever. you'll know which scene it is - it references star wars. :). -jasmine

Anonymous said...

Reign of Fire is *definitely* not the worst movie ever. Any movie that has Christian Bale doing anything - especially fighting dragons - can't be the worst movie...


Anonymous said...

Dude, Nita just said that the worst movie ever was The Order, too!!! ~F