Thursday, February 24, 2005

everyone needs a better day, and i'm trying to find me a better way

I'm ready to go to bed; I got to work by 9:30, didn't leave until 8:30, came home and should have done some more work, but instead I sat around and read up on Heath Ledger on, then watched some 'Strange Love w/Brigitte and Flav' on VH1. Hahahaha I'm retarded. VH1 is sooooo trashy, but I love it if only because I don't have to think. And since I have to be back at work by 8am, not thinking is great.

Meanwhile, my friend Katie and I always suspected that Koko the gorilla killed her kitten; now, it turns out that she also has strange sexual desires. Why aren't all these concerned Christian groups going after the animal kingdom as well?

I'm ready for the weekend, even though I feel like the weekend just ended; I have no plans tomorrow, but dim sum on Saturday and Claudia's birthday party on Sunday. Hopefully I'll get the chance to clean the apartment...and I'll probably have some work to do...and perhaps I'll go crazy after listening to Counting Crows' 'All My Friends' on repeat one too many times. But in any event, it will be fun!

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