Saturday, January 04, 2025

do you separate your whites

I've spent the last couple of days getting ready for the new year and also for any snow we might get tonight. Yesterday I slogged all morning, and then I drove to Des Moines to run some errands. I made it back in time to have dinner with my parents, and then I screwed up my sleep by napping for two hours (unintentionally) and then scrolling/reading a book from midnight to two am.

Today was good despite last night's sleep issues. I was lazy most of the morning, but I went to Centerville and stocked up on groceries and other tings. I dropped some groceries off for my parents, and then I came home, put everything away, cleaned the garage enough to get my car inside, and cleaned the kitchen. 

Thus feeling v industrious, I took a break to eat leftovers and watch a Craig Ferguson stand-up special that was on Amazon Prime. It was pretty funny, although he made me feel old because most of his jokes were about how he is now old. I could use fewer reminders, tanks.

And now I need to sleep - goodnight!

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