Friday, July 07, 2006

hello ireland

So, I'm not in Iowa. It's funny that I wasn't able to stay in Dublin when I wanted to, and now I can't get out. I was halfway to the airport this morning when the taxi service radioed all drivers to say that there had been another bomb scare at the Dublin airport, and that the place had been evacuated and no cars were being allowed into the area. There had been a couple of bomb scares in the past week and a half that were both hoaxes, but security wasn't taking any chances, possibly also because today was the anniversery of the London tube bombings. I ended up coming back to my apartment, waking up my roommate to be let back in (since I had dropped my keys in my mailbox upon my departure), and then going to the office for the day. I've already lost my desk there, so I just ended up sitting at any available desk in the general vicinity of my old one, feeling like a complete transient. I'm going to try to get home again tomorrow...but we all know how much the Irish love their bombs, so who knows how long it will be before I can get out of here!

Anyway, I would blog about South Africa tonight, but I want to go to bed. If I'm not in the US the next time I blog, I'm going to be a sad panda :(

1 comment:

Emily said...

oh, no!!