Monday, December 17, 2007

you can't say no because the answer is yes!

I really like - I have found music that I never would have heard in any other context, simply by entering the names of a few songs that I already like. If you aren't already using it, you should check it out - the only thing that has upset me about it is that there are a couple of songs which I love that aren't available on iTunes, so I just have to wait and hope that they will be played on pandora, and then I have to rock out to them during the three or four minutes in which they are playing. This is quite a change for me - usually if I like a song, I listen to it for about ten hours on repeat, rather than having to exercise patience and enjoy it when it happens to play. While it's probably going to far to say that this must have been what it was like to hear a great song from a wandering minstrel and have to wait and hope that he came back in a few months (rather than dying from the plague), it's still quite a throwback to the days before easily-accessible music.

I'm too tired to write much, and I desperately need to go to bed, since I have an eight a.m. meeting. The reason I'm tired is that I stayed up late last night reading a Georgette Heyer novel - 'The Unknown Ajax', in which the leading man pretends to be stupid to annoy his relatives, since they didn't want him to inherit the estate, but it turns out that he's really quite smart and cunning, and he succeeds in wooing the woman he falls in love with (we shall ignore that she is his first cousin, which seems like a bad idea). I had to get up this morning for brunch with Lauren (aka Subz), which was well worth the lack of sleep. Then I went shopping, came home, and made twenty dozen cookies, with a break to go over to Laura's and make gift tags. If I had wanted to get done with the cookies faster, I should have just signed the cards I had already bought, but she was quite intent on having me craft with her, and it was v. relaxing. Now, though, it's really time for bed!

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