Friday, December 05, 2008

so what, i'm still a rock star

Today was excellent. I had meetings straight from 8ish until 5ish, but it included lunch with Gyre, which was fun. It also included a ninety-minute meeting that I didn't really have to go to, but I wanted to see how it was run now, since I used to run it as one of my main projects. Someone asked me later why I was the only person in the room with a smile on my face, and I have to say that it was a combination of being amused at how things never change and happiness that I can just enjoy the madness and not be responsible for it.

My evening only got better from there. I gave Katrina a ride back to the city; she moved into a building in my office complex, which for some reason made carpooling seem like a good idea even though she was only a five minute drive away from me before. But it was great to drive back to the city with her, since traffic was pretty bad but having her in the car was a distraction from my road rage. After getting home, I walked over to Julie and Tom's place; I hadn't seen either of them since my birthday because I've been in complete hermit-mode with the book, but it was great to see them tonight. It turns out that Julie thought I hated her, because she had my old Iowa cellphone number and had left multiple messages/texts over the past couple of months, which my Iowa phone deletes after a week. Sad! So we made dinner (she made salmon and asparagus, I made Rice-a-Roni, which is, after all, the San Francisco treat), hung out, and generally caught up. It was all quite lovely!

But now I really need to go to bed -- the downside of having friends is that you sleep less, but I think it's good to come out of my self-imposed exile for a few weeks. Goodnight!

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