Saturday, February 23, 2019

shave your face with some mace in the dark

My hand still hurts, but I don't think it's broken...which is good, since I had way too much typing to do today to deal with a broken hand. I had many meetings, as usual, but I also had rather leisurely breakfast and lunch dates with various people in the office. I didn't get out until 6:15pm, which is a travesty on a Friday. But when I got home, I ate some v. tasty food that was in the fridge and spent a couple of hours organizing house stuff. I'm going to look at a few places tomorrow with my real estate agent, so I wanted to print some stuff out and make some notes about what I'm looking for so that I can better assess the places I see tomorrow.

But I didn't want to work or do personal work all night after working all day, so I stopped thinking about houses and played some Civilization instead. And now it's time for bed - goodnight!

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