Thursday, July 28, 2011

my heart's a stereo

The jetlag + the cough are hitting me hard, so even though it's not quite ten o'clock, I'm going to call it a night. I forced myself to be moderately productive today, despite my general wishes; I got out of bed around ten a.m., after sleeping for eleven hours, showered, dried my hair, and went to Samovar to indulge in one last meal of happiness since I needed to go grocery shopping and was too hungry to wait until after lunch. Samovar was lovely, as usual, and I did a bit of brainstorming for the gargoyle book, so I'm glad I went. After Samovar, I went to Container Store and picked up some glass canisters for my teas, then went to Whole Foods and stocked up on a bunch of stuff I was out of.

After the grocery store, I realized that I had perhaps overexerted myself, and so I took a bit of a nap - not long enough to completely screw my attempts to get back onto normal time, but long enough to keep me sane. And then I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening trying to straighten out my cluttered bedroom, with a break to make some white chili for supper, so all in all it was a good day.

But, I'm now falling asleep on my laptop, and I should post this before I turn incoherent. Goodnight!

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