Saturday, June 22, 2024

traffic lights and a transmitter radio

I guess I haven't blogged in a couple of days - but there hasn't been much to report. I had a frustrating eye appointment yesterday, but the frustration was entirely due to the incompetence of the office staff; the optometrist is lovely and v. efficient, and my eyes hadn't gotten worse, but the staff turned the whole thing into an ordeal.

But other than the ordeal, the rest of yesterday was good. Today, I didn't do much - I did do some writing off and on throughout the day, but it was interspersed with a lot of procrastination. It was too hot to do anything outside, even sitting on my balcony in the shade, which made me sad because sitting on my balcony is all I really wanted to do. I did put in some v. minor effort to help my mom water the planters in town, so at least I felt like that was an accomplishment.

At some point, [censored] and I went out to our parents' house for dinner, which was v. tasty - Dad grilled hamburgers and Mom made fried potatoes, which is one of my favorite meals. Unfortunately we had to leave abruptly because a severe thunderstorm warning suddenly sounded. [Censored] and I got back to town just in time to put both of our vehicles into garages, and then we watched some of the Olympic trials for track and field while the wind picked up and we got some heavy rain. I don't think we sustained any damage, but we'll see tomorrow.

And now I need to sleep - goodnight!

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