Monday, March 13, 2006

i never meant to be so bad to you

I got a really intense massage this afternoon. On the whole, I think the woman did a good job, but my neck now hurts in a different way than it did before she put a ball under my neck and started pressing on my forehead. Also, I felt a little creeped out when she leaned over and whispered, 'You know you won't be able to go back to work after this.' I know that she meant it to be soothing and relaxing, but I'm rather tense in general, and I'm especially tense when someone is pressing on my face while I'm lying on a table, sans clothes, with only a sheet and a door protecting my modesty from the coworkers strolling through the busy hallway beyond the massage room. The idea of having a massage room at work is strange in general, although I do like getting reduced-price massages, and so I indulge occasionally. But, the woman had no reason to sound quite so creepy--the situation is already creepy enough, what with the mood lighting, the world music, the fake waterfall, and the sounds of people working outside.

Anyway, the rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Actually, that's a lie. My mother called to tell me that she'd gotten a notice, dated a month ago but victim to the chaos that is my current mailing system, that I'd been removed from all of my health, dental, vision, disability, and life insurance, effective February 1. This means that I've been running around doing dangerous things like ice skating, driving, and eating in on-campus dining halls for six weeks, and if any of those things had felled me, I would have been forced to pay the whole bill. Shocking! I think I got the whole thing sorted out--it was a mechanical glitch caused by my homeless state. Now, I'm getting some sweet international insurance that, while it does not really cover anything extra in life, does provide for 'transport of mortal remains'. As I told my dear friend Vidya (who is getting rather demanding for a mention in the ol' blog), I may still have to pay for some medical procedures, but at least I can die for free!

I'm really tired, and it's time to get a grip on my self-destructive behavior. Not that I'm in any danger of actually hurting myself...but tonight I ate a burrito from my favorite taqueria in Mountain View, followed by a whole bowl of leftover chow mein, so now I just feel kinda icky. I'm tempted to stay up late and watch some mindless, soul-stealing television, but I'm going to save myself from myself and go to bed instead. Goodnight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank jou!!!