Sunday, June 25, 2006

forever may not be long enough for this love

And by 'this love' I mean 'getting everything done before I go on vacation.'

I woke up this morning around 10am, showered, and eventually got around to making a first stab at packing all of my stuff. Since I haven't had time to shop, I shouldn't have any difficulty getting everything into my three suitcases, but I don't know whether to be happy or sad about that. Around 2:30, I reached the point where I couldn't pack anything else, and so I came into the office...and I've been here ever since. Actually, that's not *completely* accurate; I did take two ten-minute breaks to run home and mess with my laundry. Now it's after ten p.m., which means I've spent almost eight hours on a Sunday at the office. I don't really understand where the time went. I just have too much random, last-minute stuff to figure out before I leave, and not nearly enough time in which to do it. I'm getting on a plane bound for Cape Town in less than 72 hours!!

The worst thing, though, is not the fact that I already have 12.5 hours of meetings in the 16 hours that I'm legally required to work over the next two days, on top of the ridiculous amount of hours that I should be spending on wrapping up all of my final tasks. No, the worst thing is that I have to write my freaking Q2 self-assessment before I leave. I *hate* writing self-assessments, almost as much as I hate team-building exercises. I especially hate to write them when I have so much other stuff to do; shouldn't my accomplishments speak for themselves? Apparently not. And so, tomorrow I'm going to have to come in early to get a head start on the day so that I can spend tomorrow night writing my self-assessment (and several peer reviews). Ugh. Oh, well. It could be worse. I could be dead. Or I could be married to Tom Cruise. Both of those options are thoroughly scary, and so I think I'll go home and go to bed before prolonged contemplation gives me nightmares. Goodnight!

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