Monday, December 13, 2010

don't ever look back

It's funny how I can only spend a maximum of three or four hours a day writing fiction, and yet I can spend approximately twelve hours working on zee romance blog without taking much of a break. In fact, my only breaks today from when I woke up (around eleven) until now were to do laundry, talk to my parents, eat an enchilada, and eat some macaroni. I needed to wrap things up so that it could be reviewed by some of my blog classmates, and I wanted to get the design finalized and write several posts using the new categories I intend to blog under so that the class could see a representative sample of what I intend to do for content. My mother expressed a strong preference for the original design of the blog (a lovely purple scheme) over the lighter, more standard scheme I had been testing last week, so I went back to it this morning. I think I'm going to have to switch webhosts because GoDaddy is so achingly slow during the day that I am probably losing what little traffic I might be acquiring, but that's a task for after the class is over and I have more time to mess around with hosting changes.

So check out the romance blog if you feel like procrastinating - I'm going to start blogging about Regency/historical fashions, lifestyles, and fun facts, in addition to what I'm reading and general updates about my writing life. You can see all the latest posts here:

And that, friends, is all I did today. Never fear that I will close down this blog; there may be days when this has to get shorter because I spent too much time on the other blog, but I doubt they will happen very often. But now, I really really should go to bed. I have a training session with Alyssa tomorrow, I desperately need to write, I should probably start packing and doing all the little things that I need to do before going home, and I have tentative plans to have dinner or a movie with Chandlord, John and Jess tomorrow (although John and Jess are apparently sick, and I'm v. selfishly hoping they didn't give it to me since I just saw them last night and need to be healthy enough to get on a plane in two days). Hopefully you all had lovely weekend -- or, if you didn't, that you have decent weeks to make up for it. Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

The romance blog looks great! I enjoyed the posts, too. See you in a couple of days.

Sara said...

Yay, I'm glad you liked it!

You should like it, after all - if I blog there regularly, you get twice as much content as you currently do :)