Thursday, September 13, 2012

just get back up when it knocks you down

I'm super tired; staying up until two a.m. last night totally threw off my whole day, even though I'm glad I finished what I finished. So I lazed about this morning, then lazed about some more, and finally dragged myself out of bed at eleven because I was starving and needed to eat something. Then I was supposed to write, but I was feeling extreme lethargy and malaise, and I caught myself wasting time on the internet... I abruptly and without forethought left my apartment, grabbed the next bus, and went to Samovar. I just needed to get out of the house and out of my own thought patterns, and Samovar did the trick. I didn't do any writing, but I did do some post-birthday reflection and considered what it is that I do with my time and what I should do with my time to make myself happier/more productive/etc (hint: not all of it is writing). And then I took the bus home and worked for a couple of hours before Terry showed up. We had grand plans to go grocery shopping together (fancy, I know), so we accomplished that mission and then watched some of "The Voice" before it was time to break up and go our separate ways. And now I believe I shall go to bed; I have a lot of plans for tomorrow and I would rather not spend the whole day feeling groggy. Goodnight!

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