Wednesday, July 20, 2016

if i hadn't blown the whole thing years ago i might be here with you

I'm nearly as tired as I was last night, but I'm going to rally and provide some content to keep the masses (aka my mother) from coming after me with pitchforks. Today was a slow reentry to the grind, although most of you will probably not accept me calling my life a 'grind', so let's start over.

I woke up this morning, threw on some clothes, and was at Philz by nine, where I worked for the rest of the morning. I'm trying to come up with a plot for Lucy's story, which is slow going since I know very little about her world except for what I said in Octavia's story...and that gives me some stuff to work on, but it's not enough. I had an idea for her already, but I'm doing my due diligence to make sure that idea has enough conflict built in to create a whole story from - but it's possible that I'm overthinking it and need to start writing. We'll see, we'll see.

Around noon, I came home and inadvertently took a nap - I'm still a little burned out socially from my conference, so I seem to be sleepy. But I woke up and went to Lers Ros for a late lunch since I still haven't bought groceries - I had some thai food to revive me, and I spent another hour scribbling plot notes into my notebook, so that was all great.

When I got home I really wanted to slack off, but I forced myself to watch a couple of hours of video tutorials about facebook ads (life is glamorous). But by 6:30 I was beyond done, and also needed to clean myself up, so I showered, threw on some clothes, and walked down the street to my dinner date.

Dinner was with Lauren (aka Subz) at Gardenias, which I hadn't been to before - it may become our new go-to for #girlsnightout. It's only five blocks or so from me, which makes it appealing as my possible elusive Des Amis replacement (although it's five slightly sketchier blocks than my Marina haunts, so I don't know). They had several interesting and delightful wines on tap, and the food was great - we split some mushrooms and some avocado/lime/cucumber dish to start, both of which were fantastic, and I had a pork chop that made me as happy as pork usually makes me. We were both in the mood for dessert, but Lauren had her heart set on a fruit crisp that I couldn't eat, so I had meringue and mint ice cream, and we both finished all of our desserts, so they were clearly delish.

And, of course, seeing Lauren was as great as it always is. We had a lot to catch up on, since I hadn't seen her since the night before I left for Iowa, but Gardenias gave us ample time and ambiance to discuss our lives. When it was finally time for us to part, she gave me a ride home in her lyft, and I'm looking forward to seeing her again when I'm back from my next adventure.

But now I need to sleep - I have tings to do tomorrow, and books to write and marketing plans to make, and those things won't happen without sleep. Goodnight!

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