Wednesday, April 19, 2006

down in the badlands she was saving the best for last

I have nothing of real interest to report. I had intended to go to a going-away party for Maya at a pub tonight, but I ended up having lots of stuff to do and so didn't get home until 9:15. By that point, I was too tired to rally and go out, so I ordered thai food, ate the thai food, and checked some emails instead. Yay.

Instead of writing anything substantive, I'm just going to list some things I've been thinking about:

1) The new Red Hot Chili Peppers cd, 'Stadium Arcadium', is coming out at the beginning of May, but the first single, 'Dani California', has already been released. I downloaded it from iTunes tonight, and I really like it--despite the fact that Red Hot Chili Peppers can't seem to put out an album without referencing California, I still think they're an awesome band and I'm looking forward to their new album. It's actually going to be a double album, which will make up for the lack of CDs over the last four years, although I still love 'This is the Place' (which contains the memorable lines 'Can I smell your gasoline/ can I pet your wolverine?') enough to last a lifetime.
2) Whoever posted the fact that there's a case of bubonic plague in LA made me very sad that I'm missing out on the action. If we're lucky, maybe Tom Cruise will get bubonic plague--how awesome would that be? I wouldn't wish that fate on his newborn daughter, since she's already in for a hellish life--or maybe I should wish it on her, only to spare her from what will quite probably be a completely fucked-up childhood.

3) I actually like french fries and mayonnaise, and I fully support this European development in condimentry.

4) My fuschia uggs aren't quite ruined, although there is some v. slight discoloration and the affected areas aren't quite as soft on the outside as they were before :( So, I'm trying to decide whether to buy the wasabi green color on clearance, and having them shipped home so that they're waiting for me. The other alternatives are a) black uggs with rosebuds (actually a child's style, but they would fit me), or b) the 'rockstar' variety which is covered in metal studs. I don't think I'm rockstar status, so wasabi would probably work, but who knows? I'll decide by tomorrow, I think, so if you have a burning desire to share your thoughts on this question, let me know.

5) Thanks to Tammy, I'm slowly reimmersing myself in classical music. I've been listening to some Dvorak and Tchaikovsky--if you have any suggestions for your favorite classical works of all time, let me know!

6) I just want to say again how v. civilized it is that you can get tea in a real teacup in the kitchenettes at the office. The only downside is that their coffee machines are comparatively terrible, and so I've switched to drinking tea almost exclusively, rather than getting a much-needed pick-me-up with a highly-sugared French Vanilla coffee at 4pm. Oh, well, change is good, right?

Okay, that's all for tonight. Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

FWIW, Dvorak's New World was written beyond the pale in Iowa.

Anonymous said...

We just heard excerpts of Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet - awesome!

Anonymous said...

Dvorak was in Spillville, IA (way up in the NE corner of the state by Decorah) in 1893. In that little Czech settlement, he came to terms with the homesickness he was experiencing in NY and was inspired to compose some fantastic pieces. The house where he lived still stands (now open for tours), and the organ he played on is still used in the local Catholic church he attended.