Wednesday, April 11, 2007

dethrone the dictaphone

Happy birthday to Aunt Becky - it's officially April 11, which means she's officially 29 again! Congratulations!

Today was fine...I spent a lot of time in meetings, but took a timeout to have lunch with Lauren (aka Subz) in the glorious sun of the courtyard. Once they finish the cafe in my building, it's going to be truly spectacular; right now we're scraping by on (free) sushi, (free) sandwiches, and (free) barbecue every day, but the cafe will exponentially increase our options, and the barbecue will expand and offer live music once a week. I'm so spoiled. I left work around 7pm and did some laundry (and was frustrated that one of the washing machines didn't actually rinse my sheets, so I had to dig them out of the barrel of suds and rewash them, delaying everything by 25 minutes). I also talked to my brother on the phone for a few minutes--he sent a message asking if I was ever going to reconnect to the grid, since I haven't signed on to any instant messaging technology in days, so I felt the need to check up on him. After the laundry was done, I came home and worked from 10pm to ~1:15am. Now it's time to go to bed...of the 18 hours that I technically should be in the office over the next two days, all but 2.5 of them are already booked for meetings, which means that I'm going to have to work late both days to stay on top of emails, tasks, etc. Oh, well, I love whining about how busy and important I am, so things are pretty good right now. Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sara. I truly have a great life.

Anonymous said...

now that I'm leaving for the east coast will you invite me to have lunch at google. I'll be a starving grad student soon!!!