Friday, February 29, 2008

we built this city on rock and roll

It has been a tumultuous 48 hours since last I blogged, and I'm in a weird haze of emotion and exhaustion since I only slept three hours last night. However, I've managed to enjoy myself almost excessively despite the fact that I'm in full moving mode. Yesterday, I tried to arrange a going-away dinner for myself, and only Terry showed up. That was nice since I hadn't hung out with her in awhile, but the other invitees (Vidya, Adit, Sri, John, and Oniel) all chose to make me hang out with them at a different time. Vidya came over yesterday before the scheduled dinner and made off with three boxes of canned goods and other sundry items (including the fancy Balinese sea salt that I had purchased during that one week when I thought I was going to cook more gourmet foods - similar to the one week that I thought I was going to take up gardening, although I wish I had kept with the cooking). After dinner, I packed for a bit more, and then Adit, Sri and I had coffee and ridiculous $6 desserts at Cafe Borrone. They apparently pick up the desserts at Prolific Oven and double the price - but both the carrot cake and the strawberry-rhubarb pie were phenomenal. Of course, Adit and Sri were phenomenal too, and I'm going to miss both of them (and Vidya, obviously) tremendously.

After that, I stayed up until after three a.m. packing, and got up a little after seven to finish up. The movers showed up at 8am (half an hour early!) and loaded all my stuff while I battled with wrapping the glass top to my desk in bubble wrap (difficult!) and dissembling my patio table (double difficult, considering that it involved 24 bolts, all of which were in varying stages of either sticking or not being quite proper to begin with, since it was put together by Oniel, Victor and Garry while drinking a year and a half ago). They managed to cram it all into two storage pods, and we were done before noon.

I spent a couple of hours this afternoon at work, prolonging the goodbyes once again - it's probably getting excessively awkward that I keep showing up, but that's about to end. I had lunch with Alan, saw Laura, saw about half of my old team, and then escaped to run some other errands. Then, I had dinner with John at Cafe Borrone (I love that place!) - my $10 'California pollo panini' was amazing, and I added a lime Italian soda (like Sprite, but more expensive). Cafe Borrone is ridiculously high-priced, but I love it, and it's probably a good thing that I won't be anywhere near it while my unemployment drags on. It was good to see John, too - we tend to go through spurts of seeing each other repeatedly, followed by lulls when we both get busy, so I'm just going to pretend that the next four months are a standard lull, rather than a separation of 1800 miles.

I ended up driving up to the evil city one last time to give my vacuum cleaner to Vidya. We sat on her couch for an hour and discussed some jhokes before I took my leave of her. Luckily, we started out as e-friends, so I'm sure that we can continue our relationship, even if I would rather see her in person.

Okay, you don't get any more content tonight - I always give you enough content to choke on anyway, and I'm desperately tired, and I have a lot to do tomorrow before I can head east. Goodnight!

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