Tuesday, August 19, 2008

of course i lied

I ended up staying awake for the uneven bars event final, since I'm addicted. The gymnastics scoring is nauseating. You just have to remind yourself of the small pleasures in life -- like the fact that Steliana Niestor's Romanian coach has an 80's porn star mustache. But seriously, the gymnastics federation needs to revisit the scoring system and bring back some experienced judges -- why should the Olympics be judged by people from New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, and other countries that have no one of any real talent in the gymnastics finals? I understand they want to remove bias, but it seems that the judges keep screwing up. It's just sad, because the gymnasts are doing amazing things -- all three of the medal winners on the uneven bars finals deserved medals without question, but it's being overshadowed by the craziness of scoring. Boo.

Okay, really time for bed!

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