Wednesday, June 18, 2014

the broken places

Toe is still broken. Stoicism remains strong, although I was a little whiny about the whole thing today. But Terry correctly pointed out that if I lost a leg I would probably put the tourniquet on myself, take an Uber to the hospital, and try to write a page and a half while waiting for surgery, so I suppose the fact that I'm continuing to walk around like it ain't no thang is probably shocking to none of you.

My day was mostly a mad dash to accomplish everything - I woke up later than planned but earlier than desired and did some day job work before driving all the way down to the nether reaches of the south bay to see my dentist. They pronounced my teeth perfect, so I guess this flossing situation is working for me. Then I went to the office, slogged excessively (mostly dealing with interpersonal bullshit and making order out of chaos, which are two of my most/least favorite things depending on the day and my mood), and left a little before six to brave the traffic home. Once I got here, I spent twenty minutes talking to Terry (even my social interactions were rushed today), then an hour talking to my new marketing employee (for my writing business, not my dayjob business), who is going to help me make millions of dollars purveying sexytimes to readers. Winning the lottery or finding a legitimate Nigerian prince might be easier, but this is the row I've chosen to hoe, so I'm going to hoe the fuck out of it.

And then I ate a frozen enchilada (my life, the glamour of it), worked on day job stuff for the last hour, and now much go to bed immediately if I have any hope of surviving the dawn. Goodnight!

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