Thursday, October 18, 2007

sargon, hammurabi, ashurbanipal, and gilgamesh

I still love Craig Ferguson. I'm watching Monday night's episode of his show, in which Michael Caine guest-starred - those of you who lived in Loro will of course remember him as one of Sean Connery's best friends. In his honor, Craig pre-taped a sketch in which he impersonated both Michael Caine and Sean Connery reenacting the orgasm-in-the-diner scene from 'When Harry Met Sally'. Instant classic!

The title of my post tonight is also from an episode of Craig - or rather, from the song performed by 'They Might Be Giants' on an episode last week. They wrote a song called 'The Mesopotamians', imagining four ancient Mesopotamian kings as an invisible rock band. I haven't listened to a lot of their music, but anyone who makes a joke in a song about how someone's hair makes them look 'Mohenjo-Daren' is pretty frickin great.

Okay, I'm a dork, but you knew that.

Today was fine; I sat in completely useless meetings until almost noon, then had a nice rest of the day. Lauren (my former manager) was visiting from Boston from the day, and we managed to have lunch together, which was great. I ended up staying in the office until almost 10:30pm because I had a lot of stuff to catch up on, but I feel better about what I've gotten done as a result. Now, I should really go to bed - I have a meeting tomorrow morning at 8am, which is unfortunate, but my day after 11am looks pretty good. I hope that you are all similarly lucky! Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

You're older than you ever were and now you're even older, and now you're even older. . . .

Unknown said...

this is so fucking lame

Anonymous said...

You really should get into the music of They Might Be Giants. The song you mentioned is great and there are many others with very clever lyrics, too, if you like that sort of thing. From a long time fan.