Thursday, November 29, 2007

can't you trip like i do?

I am absolutely positive that I've used this title before, but you'll have to deal.

Even though I'm exhausted, I'm suddenly excited about my trip to Hyderabad tomorrow. While I will likely spend most of it working, I am just excited to see the city again, to sleep in the apartments (I'm staying in the one that my friends Regina and Rohit lived in when we were all there two years ago), to go into the office, to shop for bedspreads (!) - to experience the thrill and mystery and unsettling strangeness of the East. Regardless of what happens in the rest of my life, the six months I spent in India will hold a special place in my heart, and there will always be a part of me that longs to go back.

However, the preparations for getting there have been misery-inducing. I worked until 3:30 a.m. yesterday, and decided to skip my 8am and 9am meetings so that I could get five hours of sleep. I then had meetings straight through from 10am to 7:30pm, with a 40 minute break that I had to use to get back to a bunch of people who were waiting on me for stuff. I came home tonight, packed, and then worked until now, but it's time to throw in the towel.

My flight leaves at 3:30pm tomorrow, and I have meetings from 9-12, so I'm looking forward to getting on the plane and being forced to disconnect for awhile. However, I am sure that I will blog while I am overseas. Wish me luck on my journey!

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