Saturday, November 24, 2007

if i could escape and recreate a place that's my own world

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I was feeling rather antisocial - or more to the point, other peoples' Thanksgiving traditions aren't comforting and delicious, but rather scary and strange - so I turned down several invitations to spend Thanksgiving with various people and instead spent it alone. I made some delicious potato/leek soup, and had quite a lovely day.

On Wednesday, I had a decent day of work and managed to stop around 6:30, whereupon I left the office and met up with Claudia at our favorite Mexican restaurant. You may remember Claudia as my bestest friend who moved to Yale, abandoning me to my fate in California - I realized that since she left, I stopped socializing, mostly because she was one of the few people who would call me and force me to do something. She's back in town for Thanksgiving, so we had a lovely time catching up over delicious Mexican food. I'm happy to report that she has not yet been stabbed in New Haven, despite the town's atrocious crime rate, and so I'm holding out hope that we'll be able to spend more time together at New Year's.

Today, I went to Milpitas, where I had brunch with Arod at Marie Callendar's. I love that place - the clientele is generally on the darker side of seventy, but the food is v. comforting. I realized I hadn't seen Arod since a bunch of us went up to Heather and Salim's at the end of September, which is just depressing - we even work for the same company, but since we're not in the same department or in the same part of campus, I never ever see her. It was great to see her, and she's yet another person whom I'll have to spend more time hanging out with when I finally go on leave.

I did some stuff around the house this afternoon that I had meaning to take care of for awhile, and I went to the post office and mailed some stuff and bought stamps, but my plans to work on my romance novel met with dismal failure. The root of the dismal failure was my inability to stop playing Civilization IV - I don't play that often, but I've been in the mood for the past couple of days (astute readers will chalk it up to procrastination, since I'm playing Civilization and not working on my novel). I played the Mongolians tonight, in honor of the trip my father and I hope to take this spring, and I had a fantastic game in which I won the space race v. narrowly against the Romans. Yes, I am a complete dork - Civilization and romance novels pretty much hit two rather unrelated sections of 'socially unacceptable' behavior, making me an even bigger dork than if I only pursued one of those interests. Oh, well, normalcy would be rather boring. However, I need to dig up some willpower and not play the rest of the weekend - I have plans tomorrow afternoon and Sunday morning, but I should spend the rest of the time writing. Wish me luck!

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