Tuesday, February 10, 2009

eye on the wheel, another on my heart -- i know this road, it goes back to the start

I'm deep into the danger zone. I was physically at the office today from 7:30am until a little after 7pm; my last meeting ended at 5:45 (fifteen minutes early, score), but I spent some time talking to Joy. Then I got waylaid by the head of the Boston office, and it was nice to catch up with him, although I also walked away with an action item. Then I drove home (fast!), ate some pizza, and watched an episode of Craig Ferguson while working until now. Craig was a little annoying -- Craig himself wasn't annoying at all, but there was some dude in the audience with a very noticeable laugh and it was all I could hear, which drove me crazy! Too bad, since I usually like having Craig on in the background when I'm slogging.

But someone needs to hit me over the head and remind me about balance. I think I'm doing pretty well balancing work and my book right now, if you think it's fine that I've completely sacrificed my social life. But there's a lot that I want to accomplish at work as well, and during weeks like these, when I see all sorts of opportunities and also am in a position to take them on, it's hard to smack my own hand with a ruler when I'm reaching out for something interesting.

Oh, well; true to form, my week will get less busy as it progresses, and I also have dinner plans with Terry and Lauren (aka Subz) on Thursday, which will be fun. Then I'll need to spend Friday night writing a short story for my class (bleh), and then focus on the book during the weekend. Maybe someday I'll get a vacation, but I doubt it. The only vacation I get these days is my bed -- and with the rain falling on the window over my bed tonight, it will be quite nice. Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

wasn't mary carillo your fave olympics commentator? i'm listening to her for westminster right now - i guess having played tennis makes you qualified to comment on everything (when the collie was presented, she said: "isn't that the Lassie dog?" wise and insightful.) what a cushy life - beijing, the tennis majors, and squeeeezable doggies! -tz

Sara said...

@tz - i LOVE mary carillo. remember that feature she did with the razor-wire kites? or how nothing cutens up a country like panda bears? i want to be her, only without the extremely masculine voice.