Sunday, April 19, 2009

irrevocably in love

I was quite productive for most of today; while I did sleep in and then mess around the apartment for awhile, I made it to Leland Tea Company by noon, and proceeded to work the rest of the afternoon. I stayed there for almost four hours, drinking eight or nine cups of tea, which gave me a major case of caffeine jitters when I got home (no doubt worsened by the Cherry Coke Zero I popped open as soon as I walked in the door). Or maybe I'm allergic to lavender -- the first tea I had was some blend with a whole ton of lavender in it, which was somehow both good and awful at the same time. Lavender in your nose = good; lavender on your tongue = not so good.

I finally vacated Leland Tea when I realized I was all tea'd out, but I managed to keep working when I got home until around six p.m. For my efforts, I'm done with the wedding and wedding breakfast scenes (although they could still use a final polish), and I went through the next couple of chapters making some minor stylistic changes as well. I'm pretty pleased with where I am, and intend to keep plugging away tomorrow.

But, at six p.m., Terry called; she was supposed to come up here tonight to watch "Twilight", but she said that Chris and Natasha were interested if I wanted to come down there instead. So, I did. The movie was quite entertaining -- while I totally see why the dude who plays Edward Cullen is so hot, most of the acting was fairly awful, and I basically hate the storyline (excluding the awesome chase/fight sequence). Scratch that, I don't hate the storyline -- I just think that Bella is totally vapid and useless. But Edward is quite hot, and if all he wants in a girl is that her blood smells totally awesome, then I guess they're made for each other.

Terry left after the movie was over, and I stuck around to watch an episode of "Holy $@%*!" that Chris had tivo'd purely because of the name. It apparently involves majorly ridiculous/painful/amazing things -- the four things featured in that episode were 1) a guy who built a ramp to jump over the Great Wall with a skateboard, 2) a guy almost drowning in a series of sixty-foot waves that crashed into him while he was surfing, 3) the top five most awful bull-riding accidents (two of which actually involved the same guy), and 4) a 70-yard touchdown pass. Weird mix, and weird that we watched it, but entertaining nonetheless. Then I drove home, and now I must be off to bed -- I have a lot of writing that I want to get done tomorrow, but I also have brunch plans and some other stuff I must take care of, so sleep is an immediate priority. Goodnight!

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