Monday, April 20, 2009

it was the heat of the moment

Today was blisteringly hot -- when I left dinner at 7pm, it was still over eighty degrees, which is practically unheard of. It makes my Midwestern soul happy, but unfortunately I had to spend the day inside :( However, I was wearing the cute grey dress, pink cardigan, and strappy silver heels that I wore for my photo shoot, so I felt summery despite being stuck in meetings.

While I did not successfully get myself out of bed when my alarm went off at 5:30am, I did get down to the south bay in time to write for an hour before work. I'm going to try to keep doing this, as it made me feel better about the whole rest of the day. There were some annoyances at work, as per usual, but I had lunch with Alaska Matt, spent some time with Gyre and Joy, and made an illicit afternoon run to Starbucks with Terry, so it wasn't all bad. And, since my boss is in town, we went out for margaritas and pie (sans pie), which was v. nice. I got home around eight p.m. and watched an episode of Craig Ferguson to unwind -- he was hosting Madeleine Albright, which was a good interview, and I enjoyed his discussion of the possibility that Texas might secede from the Union. I also painted my fingernails with the turquoise "Skinny Jeans" lacquer that I bought at Sephora last weekend. Tip of the day: shell out for slightly more expensive nail polish remover. I bought a bottle of OPI nail polish remover for <$6 (cheap enough, but more expensive than the <$3 bottles at Target) -- and the polish came off *immediately*, without having to use multiple cotton pads. I'm quite happy about that; knowing that I won't have to fight to remove the polish may encourage me to paint my nails more in the future.

Okay, I need to write in zee romance blog, so it's time to sign off. Goodnight!

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