Tuesday, May 12, 2009

i'm not loving you the way i wanted to

I've suddenly discovered dance music. Terry discovered a few weeks ago when I rode in her car that my dance music knowledge ends sometime around when "Umbrella" came out, and even that was the last gasp of dance music knowledge that really reached its heyday sometime around 2001. But, I set up Pandora to play some dance music based on this woman named "Lady GaGa" whom everyone in the world knows of but me. And it turns out that I love it all! There's some really great music out right now!! Of course, that's where "great" = "terrible", but for me, "terrible" = "great", so it all works out.

Today was good -- work was alright, and I had a lovely lunch with Pete and Heather. Tuesdays are baked potato day at my favorite cafe, so lunch would have been lovely even if I ate it alone, but Pete and Heather were an added bonus. Pete also told me about some good advice his grandmother gave him before he went to Iraq regarding "blooming where you're planted"; you can read about it on zee romance blog if you're so inclined, since my fingers are hurting from typing so much today and I think it's about time to stop blogging for the night.

The only other piece of info to share is that I got a request for the full manuscript from an agent today! My latest round of queries is going very well, and so hope springs eternal. It could all dry up tomorrow, but today is good. Now it's time for bed; tomorrow will definitely suck in some capacities, since I have meetings straight from 7:00am to 5pm with two half-hour breaks, so sleep is essential. Goodnight!

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