This is post 1901. It's hard to believe that I've come up with enough drivel to write 1901 posts, particularly given how absurdly long my posts are -- and yet I have no intention of stopping, so you're stuck with me.
For a funemployed person, I was ridiculously busy today. I didn't get out of bed until around 9:30 because my house was so damn cold and my bed was so toasty; my new strategy for tomorrow is that I'm going to take my laptop to bed with me so that I can write in the morning without having to emerge fully from my cocoon. We'll see if it works -- yesterday's plan to go to bed by midnight every night has already gone out the window, so perhaps I'm constitutionally incapable of setting a routine.
Anyway, after I got up, I immediately did some work for that freelance project, which carried me through until around 11:30. I decided to go to the gym then rather than waiting, which I duly accomplished; I spent as much of it stretching as I did working out, since my poor midget-proportioned muscles are not up to the task of trying to use machines that are sized for normal people. Then I came home, made a perfectly lovely sandwich for lunch, and did my homework for my blogging class, which took five hours. I had to peruse five blogs the instructor sent over (including two whose bloggers came to class tonight for a panel) and write a blog post for class, which took longer than I thought it would because I couldn't write the garbage that I serve you every day. I didn't even finish all the reading, but I eventually just had to go (after reheating some frozen chili and making grilled cheese, yum).
This class is really, really good; tonight she brought in two bloggers to talk about how they got into blogging, got a following, etc. The first is a professional life coach (Tammy - I can send you the details if you want to fire me and get a real person) who writes a blog as an effort to build a platform so that she can publish self-help type books. She was well-prepared, had a slideshow, and seemed quite thoughtful. The second is a 25-year-old guy who gave up his job to live a minimalist life and blogs about living without things or money. As expected, he wasn't nearly as polished as the life coach, and he seemed way into himself and pretty much dominated the conversation; but then again, he has 70,000 hits a month and she has <7000, so maybe he was entitled to dominate.
It's quite funny and hideously ironic that I spent most of the class thinking that the kid was completely clueless and a classic example of a fucking hipster millennial (he was wearing the classic fucking hipster uniform of scoopnecked tank top showing too much chest hair, absurdly tight jeans that were so tight that I couldn't actually tell whether they were jeans or women's leggings, and a hoodie -- three of the 57 items he claims are all that he owns). And yet, I've basically done the same thing, quitting my job to try to 'live in the moment', although I didn't give up any of my stuff. And clearly it's sad that I've become so jaded at the ripe old age of 29, and perhaps someone who is 33 looks at me and my naivete in the same cynical way I looked at this kid -- but I thought it was all just a bit too idealistic, particularly since I checked his "57 things" list while he was speaking and verified that his reusable water bottle with attached carabiner was not included in that list. Yes, I'm that troll who likes to tear down happy hipsters.
Anyway, enough about hipsters; I left the city to get away from them, but they're proliferating like Dutch elm disease and soon we're going to have to cull everyone under the age of 25. Sad. When I got home, I was pleased to see that my house was still hipster-free, and I settled in at my desk to do some work -- I did another hour of stuff for the freelance project, and then spent some quality time typing up everything I wrote yesterday. I had a brief, mad desire to stay up all night and write, but since I have to be at the gym before noon tomorrow for a training session with Alyssa, I think I'll sleep instead. Goodnight!
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