Sunday, June 24, 2012

talking 'bout the ghetto

I had a lovely day in Denver/Boulder today, and I am sad about the prospect of leaving Katie and James tomorrow and returning to San Francisco, where I need to write hundreds of pages in the next few weeks to make my deadline for Ellie and Nick's book. That's how I roll, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise, but I'm still not looking forward to the brutality of the slog I'm about to embark upon.

However, slogging is for tomorrow; today was for hanging out with friends. I slept until 9:30, showered, finished packing, and checked out of the hotel around 11 so that I could meet up with Katie and James for brunch/lunch. We ended up going to some Argentinean place that they had been wanting to try, and I must say that it was fantastic; I was jealous of the empanadas that they seemed to enjoy, but I had some bacon wrapped figs that were utterly delicious. And the place made a gluten free pizza crust that was exceedingly good - possibly the best one I've had at a restaurant, since it's a bit doughier than the v. thin Patxis gluten free crust that I've been eating a lot of recently. Also, the toppings were more interesting, and it was all v. tasty. And we had gelato to finish off the meal, which was utterly unnecessary and decadent, but v. good.

After our leisurely lunch, we were debating options and ended up driving to Boulder so that I could see it, since we tend to spend most of my trips eating rather than doing anything sightseeing-wise. Boulder seems to be a really cool town (much cooler/less ghetto than was implied by the classic DJ Lurch song "The Ghetto"), and it was fun to drive there and spend an hour or so wandering around downtown. I went into a great bookstore and was exceedingly miffed that they didn't have a romance section (seriously, it pisses me off that independent bookstores will stock plenty of mystery and scifi and are somehow too good to stock romance, even though romance readers read more books on average than any other genre, read beyond the romance genre too, and account for 54% of US book sales - it's no wonder independent bookstores are in trouble). But I supported them despite my anger and bought a mystery novel, and Katie bought a children's book, and so they failed to learn anything. Sigh.

Then we wandered through a cute jewelry store, went to a coffee shop to continue fueling me and James's caffeine addictions, and drove back to Denver, where James and I both realized that we were highly overcaffeinated and twitchy (oops). So we took the evening easy, watching tv, talking, and eating takeout Thai food. Yum. And now, I should go to sleep; I don't need to leave their house for the airport until around noon, but I'm getting up early to say goodbye to them, and I need to start slogging immediately upon their departure. Goodnight!


~Wamp said...

When I visited Boulder, I too could only think about the fact that "Boulder Colorado is the worst of them all."

Anonymous said...

It IS the worst. In terms of self-absorbed Prius drivers. But maybe I was overly harsh.