Wednesday, February 21, 2018

let's get one thing straight

Man, my blog is getting boring. Google photos Krisk popping up reminders of last year, when I was lazing about in Bali making new friends and eating nasi goreng and writing a book...which is laughably different from my current situation. #noregrets, since I actually really like my job for the most part... But I should probably work on the friend thing and the balance thing sometime soon.

That's not a fight for today, though. Today I was in the office by 9:20 and was there until 6:45pm, with my only breaks (breaks to do work, not actual breaks) coming during a couple of meetings that I skipped. Then I stopped at whole foods to grab some sushi and other supplies, and I spent some quality time cleaning my kitchen and doing laundry.

I also watched Olympics, which was great. And if course I ended up spending an hour or so working. But hopefully once I get through the next couple of weeks, things will slow down (but you've heard that before). Goodnight!

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