Saturday, April 11, 2009

way down yonder on the chattahoochee

Today was excellent, although I hit my traditional Friday afternoon slump and had difficulty rousing myself from it to the point that I could enjoy the evening like a normal twenty-seven-year-old. Work itself was pleasant enough, capped off by having cake in a conference room for Natasha's birthday. Because of the people she works with, the ten people in the room were a weird mix of the top directors of the department, me, Terry, Joy, a couple of others, and her boyfriend Chris (who is also my friend from my time in Hyderabad). It was entertaining, of course, but nowhere near as entertaining as the evening festivities.

Terry and I left around six to have dinner at Fiesta del Mar; it became clear that my energy was dropping precipitously, so we also stopped at a Starbucks and got me some caffeine. Then, we progressed to Natasha's chosen venue for her birthday party -- the Saddle Rack in Fremont. It's a country-western bar that offers line dancing lessons if you get there early enough (which we did, although I did not participate in the lesson), and the band they had tonight was pretty good. I mostly hung out and watched the dancing while drinking a Smirnoff Ice (I haven't had one of those in ages), but I did dance for a bit towards the end. The people watching was *excellent*, though; the number of fully bedazzled belts alone was enough to keep me entertained for much of the evening.

Now, though, I really must go to bed -- I intend to make substantial progress on the book this weekend, so sleep is a necessity. Goodnight!


~Wamp said...

Holy cow! I never thought you would use such a fine song as a blog title. I was always partial to the lyric "Well we fogged up the windows in my old Chevy, I was willing but she wasn't ready, so I settled for a burger and a grape sno-cone, dropped her off early but I didn't go home…" I like it because I can relate, I mean, in my world, if you can't get laid, a cheeseburger is a good backup plan…

the aunt said...

Sara, I regret to inform you that you were the last team to arrive with Birthday salutations. The good news is that this year was not an elmination year. Therefore, you may continue in the game. However, you must forfeit all your cash - to me.

(Truthfully, your brother hasn't even come across the finish line yet - but you have more $ than he does.)

Anonymous said...

But the brother is a home owner.